BuzzWorks Expands to Hyderabad’s Booming Workspace Market Buzz Works, a co working space by the Brigade group is going to provide 25000 sq. With shareworkplaces on a rapid increase, it is strategically trying to capture growth as the Company tries to keep its market edge.

Presence of BuzzWorks which is a faster space to grow evades the target market offers has been drifting in the flexible workspace market segment. It deals with a high end and rich environment wherein big businesses, individuals, new entrants as well medium businesses occupy vibrant areas. The brand houses all Tier 1 locations with a common demand of affordable high-tech office spaces across all major cities of India as the trend of working from home or working in hybrid immediately soars owing to the pandemic overhang.

Accelerating Co-Working Spaces in Hyderabad Hyderabad’s Appeal as a Business Hub Hyderabad attracting companies has well established it’s IT sector, modernized infrastructure and friendly environment. The growth of co-working spaces within the capital has been fuelled by the city’s demand of becoming the centre for technology hence a lot of companies, IT firms and hybrid organizations relocate to the city.

BuzzWorks’ Strategic Location in Hyderabad

BuzzWorks’ new Hyderabad facility will complement the existing operations and will add up to 25,000 square feet of office space, positioned strategically in the commercial hub. The seventh center would also facilitate a range of integrated, flexible spaces to clients of all sizes, thus making sure that workspace needs of businesses of all scales and sizes can be met. This development corresponds to BuzzWorks’ strategy to create a network of first-class co working facilities across the country.

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Defining BuzzWorks Co –Working Services

Modern, Tech-Enabled Workspaces

BuzzWorks spaces are creative workspaces for business with a focus on working together while creating and developing. The new center at Hyderabad will give:

Advanced telecom services and high-speed internet to increase productivity and efficiency.

General office spaces, conference rooms or workstations.

Fun and artistic breakout areas and spaces for informal engagements and discussions.

Meeting areas to conduct business events, conferences and training programs.

Extra services such as facilities for parking space, health services and taking care of beverages/food.

Provides business units of all types with a ‘workplace’ option’s solution that could range from a free open team area for many folds of employees to private offices for individual companies.

Flexible Leasing Options at BuzzWorks One of BuzzWorks’ major advantages is its flexible leasing options. Therefore, companies are able to opt for rental plans resembling memberships but sans the huge overheads associated with renting traditional office spaces. This flexibility is particularly useful to the start-up companies and small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) battling in a fluctuating business space. Sustainable and Smart Workspaces Are in Rush These days to What They Call Changes – ‘Changes at Work’ – The Shift to Remote Working or Staying where You Work from. BuzzWorks’ Commitment to Sustainability. Brigades Group on the other hand manifests this concern in the Solutions of the smart building technologies and green principles in the project of BuzzWorks Hyderabad. This includes low VOC construction materials, building-integrated waste disposal systems, and energy-efficient lighting. Further, the workspace also employs IoT – Internet of Things – and other smart technologies, so that the working environment is contemporary and green. Impact of BuzzWorks on Hyderabad’s Co-Working Industry. ‘Moreover, the competition will surprise other co-working levels with BuzzWorks and co-operating space with handbag defense development. buzz, with reputed Brigade Group backing and premium offerings of BuzzWorks more than startup level market to huge corporates.

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Over the last few years, the interest in co-working spaces in Hyderabad has dramatically increased due to the development of the city into a technology hub and hybrid work culture. BuzzWorks’ entry into the city seems to be a rather smart move as there is a burgeoning need for more space with both flexibility and quality.

Future Expansion Plans for BuzzWorks

There’s room for growth when it comes to BuzzWorks’s geographical expansion, and the burning ambition for more opened outlets in other metropolitan cities of India such as Hyderabad has only been but a step. The company envisages establishing a chain of elite centres for team activity, taking the growing demand for the geography of the labor market into account.

Goods And Services Tax Council’s Latest Verdict On Property Leasing

Reverse Charge Mechanism of Commercial Property Leasing

At the 54th sitting of the Goods and Services Tax Council, tax issues related to leasing of commercial properties were clarity on. One such much-debated decision made was on the introduction of Reverse Charge Mechanism for Commercial Property rented from Individuals who are not registered to a company that are registered. This change effective from September 9, 2024, is designed to enlarge the income earning of the government from rental properties leased.

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Under RCM, the tenant will bear the GST for leased properties rather than the landlord. This is a departure from the earlier situation where the registered landlords were the ones to carry the tax load. This ruling will affect tenants who are leasing commercial premises since they will now incur the cost of renting and paying enough GST.

Tax treatment of Preferential Location Charges (PLC)

The GST Council also made available the tax treatment for the Preferential Location Charges PLCs which are treated as an integral part of the package of supply of services of construction. The PLCs will be charged Value Added Tax at the same rate as construction services; Five percent for residential properties and twelve percent of non-residential units.


The commercialization of rental properties through the Reverse Charge Mechanism is a drastic change in the taxation of rental buildings. The Expansion of BuzzWorks into the co-working space market in Hyderabad along with the recent pronouncements of the GST council go hand in hand in progressive turns in commercial real estate.

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