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Embrace the Change: Changing Lifestyles Towards a Zero Waste Lifestyle

Most of us still throw garbage without care and hardly think about what happens to that waste, do you? Think about it! All that plastic – wrappers and the bottles, disposable tools, used diapers, and so many more amount to creating a mountain of trash that clutter the landfills, right? Did you know that a single plastic bottle takes four hundred and fifty years to decompose? Therein lies the problem for many of us and wasting resources is taking its toll on the earth.

But there is a solution and that is to limit the waste you produce. The idea of a zero-waste lifestyle sort of becomes a necessity when you know the negatives that you are portraying. The term ‘zero waste’ means not transporting trash in its current state but instead guiding human behavior to improve sanitation in the future. Funny enough many of us do live that way but still feel the conscience of the past and alter their lifestyles all for the sake of sustainability.

Introduction: Watch Waste: Go Zero Waste in 7 Steps

Go Small and Then Build Up Slowly

A lot of us have become accustomed to our throw away society. From water made of plastic bottles to other items ordered online, we use and dispose of materials without a second glance. To begin with, ask yourself (and make a list) which items or resources can be eliminated entirely or will eventually end up in trash cans. For instance, instead of buying a room temperature bottle of water at cycler’s shops, you can decide to put one in your bag. Or ordering for food wrapped in plastic.

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Re-imagine Your Home without cutting boards and plastic straws.

If you have a lot of items made out of plastic, consider them as your foe. Look in your kitchen and your living room or anywhere else inside your house and get rid of the plastic and replace it with reusable stuff. Replace the conventional toothbrush with a bamboo toothbrush. When possible, make the switch to wood-cutting boards. Items such as glass jars can be used to contain products or other items. Kitchen towels can be made from cotton fabric instead of using paper towels. Swapping out your plastic straws for steal straws is also a good start step.

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Picking Eco-Friendly Apparel and Household Items

Become a Product ‘Wise’ Consumer!

The nagging truth is that countless household items and even their packages are at the forefront in environmental degradation. Floor detergents, dish wash liquids, whiteners and bleach all end up adding toxins in the environment. It is well-known that almost everything out there has an alternative, especially detergents which can have easy substitutes like sodium bicarbonate, citrus juice, hydrogen peroxide, distilled vinegar and many more readily available natural ingredients.

Getting the most of Natural Resources

Use Optimistic Buying Philosophy to Avoid Waste Tangibly

If you can, try to buy fruits, vegetables, and groceries from your local supermarket or market. To begin with, this assists you in avoiding cling wrap, Styrofoam trays, twist ties, and other plastic materials that would ultimately be thrown away. Furthermore, have a wishlist that you can follow in order to avoid food wastage.

Consider the Appropriate Area

Community structure that encourages such a concept should be easily accessible to make your ‘zero waste’ concept worth having. For instance, had my condo occupied an organic waste converter or compost pit, like in Dream Location 63° East, sustaining ‘zero waste’ goals would come as a norm. This is indeed a Dream Location for sustainable living.

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Seek Strength from Live Inspirations

Get Inspired by Real-life Heroes

There are so many people all over the world living ‘zero waste’ lifestyles and they are writing blogs about it. Read for further encouragement Durgesh Nandhini from Bangalore and blogger ‘zero waste family’ or go on the other Bangalore based Sahar Mansoor and her own ‘Bare Necessities’ site with ‘zero waste’ products for selling.

Conclusion: Every Step Counts

Still in a dilemma whether you will be able to take the whole leap on ‘zero waste’ goal of yours? Never lose hope. All the above mentioned sites are quite informative and beneficial as they pave the way toward achieving cleaner and eco-friendly planet.

For more information about Dream Location and to search your dream property, please visit Dream Location on Google Map. Contact us today to know more about the best real estate deals in Delhi and North India; we will connect you to the right property investment.