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More and more people will be worried about turning on their AC this summer. You estimate all your energy expenses to go towards the heating and cooling of your house, which means that summers are the worst for winter lovers. It’s time to think of a tactic that would conserve energy while keeping costs at a minimum. The good news is we’ve produced a list of our top nine energy saving ideas. By saving energy during AC use, you will end up avoiding huge utility bills. Our goal is to keep you comfortable in this scorching heat while giving you tips to relax your AC.

Therefore, corn should be kept in the fridge. Instead of eating it raw – which is certainly an option – you go through the trouble of boiling it. Moreover, before having it with spaghetti, you can try pouring some vegetable oil on it and slicing some pieces off.

1. Make Fans Your Friends

Ceiling fans, tower fans, and desk fans might feel comfortable and still ensure that you don’t end up spending more on electricity. A fan’s primary purpose is to blow the air across your skin, thus discouraging you from turning on air conditioning very often. It will permit you to make the temperature setting higher than the typical range for summer, without feeling hot on any occasion. If you use fans to help cool the house rather than the air conditioning, you will be able to comfortably increase your thermostat setting by approximately four degrees. Also remember to turn off the fans when you leave the room.

2. Set Up Your Refrigerator Correctly

Your refrigerator and freezer are extremely important parts of the whole system due to the fact that they allow you to consume lemonade and popsicles during the hot summer days. Proper refrigerating can allow you to avoid incurring high costs in terms of electrical energy expenditures. The thermostat setting should be 2 to 3 degrees Celsius for the refrigerator while that for the freezer should be between -15 and 0 degree. The coils should be vacuumed, and the door seal checked. Always keep food in your refrigerator, or drinks, such that the volumetric content of the refrigerator is high and there is little air to cool down.

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3. Disconnect Devices From Power Supply When Not Needed

Everyone must be aware of the saying, “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.” The use of TV, computer and other such small devices contributes to wasting energy. Hence, unplug these devices and their chargers when not in demand. Even in the off position, a television set generates heat that damages internal elements. Particularly in areas that experience hot summers, this can lead to added strain on that region. With a growing number of appliances and gadgets in your household, a minor per item per hour energy cost can add up annually between rupees fifteen hundred and two thousand rupees. These are also some easy ways advocates recommend towards saving a few thousand rupees in a year.

4. Regulate The Washing Loads You Perform

Hot water is mainly used in washers, dryers and even dishwashers, unfortunately these items consume a lot of energy. When you can use a liquid that is less effective, consider using cold water. It is also effective while washing appliances with overfilled loads to restrict device heat or temperature. Clothes dryers should be avoided completely. After your clothes are washed, hang them up and allow them to air dry.

5. Starry Match

While buying a new air conditioning system, it may be prudent to check if Energy Star certified systems with better Energy Efficiency Ratio are available and also check their Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. They will be better than their counterparts by a margin of 15%. In addition, replace your appliances with Energy Star models too. At the very least, you need to ensure that seasonal maintenance is done for your air conditioner and other appliances so that they function at their best.

6. Use LED Light Bulbs Instead Of Standard Ones

We encourage you to make the change as soon as it is feasible if you are still using the older form light bulbs as LEDs can replace them. The use of incandescent bulbs is quite wastage-oriented. Only about 10 – 15 percent of the energy consumed is useful light, the rest is simply waste heat. Nowadays, there is a strong focus on the energy-efficient lighting option and that is LED lights. The electricity needed is lesser by 75%, they last 25 times longer, and most importantly, are less heat generating compared to the standard incandescent bulbs. LEDs are indeed a bit costly at the beginning, but they do earn back savings on energy quite rapidly.

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7. Filter Your Air

When air that travels through these ducts encounters dirt and other particles, it reduces airflow and heat exchange, which then lowers an AC’s potential. Air conditioners for instance will use 15% less energy if a dirty filter is swapped out for a clean one. When a filter is blocked, the air travels less, which makes the AC unit use up more energy when the air conditioner is working in tension. It also helps in preventing dusts from pilling up in the unit which can eventually cause bigger issues, like the failure of the air conditioning unit. As recommended, it is a good idea to change your air filter once every 60 days. Not only will your air conditioner be pleased, but also your electricity bill.

8. Shutter the Windows

When there’s a need to maintain the solar greenhouse effect from the inside, curtains inhibitors allow an easier solar glare intake. Equip these walls’ windows with high-quality curtains or shades and keep them drawn because the southern and western walls capture the most sunlight warm. Consistent natural light comes through north windows in a balanced pattern, exposing no glare and causing almost no increase in summer heat penetration. In order to avoid extreme heat from entering your home, you can allow these curtains to be opened to bask in the natural light.

9. Ensure Equipment is Serviced/Efficient

Hausgeräte spielen eine große Rolle bei erhöhten monatlichen Energiekosten, which is why it is vital to send the home appliances such as washing machines, dishwashers and tumble dryers out for regular maintenance checks if you do wish to keep your monthly energy bill at a tolerable level. In short, these devices are very costly when they malfunction, because if any of these machines have an electrical fault, it may result in an increased usage of electricity when the major goal was to conserve it. Therefore it is apparent that some of these devices would require servicing from time to time for them to be more cost effective in the long run.

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There are times when we open our power bill only to find ourselves raising eyebrows as to how the amount have come to settle at that amount, its shocking. At some point you will ask yourself: “Why is my power bill so high?” So do not wait for While many of us may leave the energy saving tips for the summer time, rather than waiting for a heat wave to come: consider applying most of these tips throughout the year to cut costs. In turn, that will help find the most optimal ways to utilize energy while simultaneously reducing the amount of waste. Regardless of the cost, this article will provide you with energy saving solutions that will allow you to reduce the cost of your electricity. And how about investing this money in a vacation during the monsoon!

Author – Dream Location

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