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Environmental Consequence of Building Construction

The construction of buildings and other real estate projects, in general, is a major cause of air pollution, resulting in global warming and jeopardizing the planet. To combat this problem and ensure a clean and healthy environment, it is essential to implement eco-friendly measures such as green construction practices and the zero-waste concept. It is the duty of three main actors: property buyers, promoters, and the government to ensure that these norms are adhered to, both in words and in practice. The adoption of these practices will not only enhance the liveability of the environment but also improve the health and wellbeing of everyone.

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The Need for Mitigation Measures to Manage Hazardous Waste

At present a number of toxic materials are being thrown away in a very careless manner such as solid waste, sewage, electronic waste, among others which can pollute the air, the water and the soil, hence causing all sorts of health problems. The idea of green housing or the idea of zero waste discharge is an inescapable option that is horizontal to the prevention of further damage and the restoration of the damaged area.

Increased Commitment and Awareness of People

The inhabitants of the cities are the largest contributors to the growth of pollution because of the increasing construction activities. Nevertheless, the increasing public consciousness regarding the environment is very encouraging. Now people wish to settle in other places and have at least one unit of accommodation and are becoming more and more worried about their children. Climate change is a universal issue and its out to us to safeguard our climate and better the situation. Concerns have been raised and countries urged to implement stringent measures controlling greenhouse gas emissions by TheIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

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Strategies for Environmentally Friendly Building

The Confederation of Real Estate Industry of India (CREDAI) in collaboration with the Indian Green Building Council initiated the construction of four thousand green projects. Such an initiative is a welcome step aimed at achieving sustainable built environment. As a real estate promoter, Dream Location in this regard has taken center stage in the full application of green housing in all its housing units built throughout the city. It is the promotion of green building and zero waste discharge policy that goes a long way in improving the environment.

For more information about Dream Location and to search your dream property, please visit Dream Location on Google Map. Contact us today to know more about the best real estate deals in Delhi and North India; we will connect you to the right property investment.

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