With rise in the prices of properties and individual homes, it has become quite tough to own a single home. Moreover, individual homes are associated with a lot of extra expenses such as maintenance costs, security costs and many costs that you may even not be aware about. In a more severe sense, parenting can be a little harder as well as a combination of many factors makes it more difficult for children to adjust in an external environment. They may not be able to find children of their age group, adequate amount of open space to play, or adequate outdoor as well as indoor activities to engage in.
However if you shift to an apartment then your children can avail all those opportunities and develop well. Moreover, shifting to an apartment may actually prove to be more economical than shifting to an individual house. In this article, we will be highlighting the reasons as to why making the shift and moving to an apartment will be beneficial for your children and you. Let’s get started.
Numerous Children of Comparable Age Category
It is certainly common for a kid to get frustrated. This occurs not only in individual houses but also when one has no other interests with other children and all the children share a completely different age group. Forcing them to socialize with kids older than them or younger than them. So even when forced, your child might never see them as long-lasting friends and form real connections.
On the other hand, forging real relationships with children of a particular age will be relatively easy for your kids and this relieves a lot of stress off their shoulders. When you reside in a flat, you are part of a close community which make it easier for your kids to find like aged children and make friends out of them. As this occurs, it is important to remember that apartment complexes and societies consist of hundreds of families living inside hundreds of flats.
All of this isn’t complicated, while APARTMENTS gives your children an easier time to get their friends and other kids to develop companionship without any restrictions, but all of this hopefully leads to more happy kids with friends to play along with.
Play Area Set Aside for Kids
All work and no play, is perhaps one of the oldest proverbs known to society. While it may be rather old, it has a lot of meaning especially for children. If kids are continuously engrossed in studies and are not provided with sufficient free time to play and have fun with their friends, then life becomes very boring. This in turn creates apathy among kids in their school and other related tasks.
Even today one can see that geographical constraints limits access to play area particularly in individual houses that are situated in urbanized locations, especially in the metropolitan cities.
On the other hand, kids that are living in an apartment have a reason to rejoice as the apartments typically have play area within its confines. The children therefore have the opportunity to play extensively with their friends at no it limitations. They can now enjoy cricket, football, badminton, and many more games with the help of play areas.
As such, living in an apartment with adequate play zones has been recorded to positively influence children in the following manners:
- Better physical and mental developmental rate
- Enhanced social interaction skills
- Less reliance on mobiles, tablets and other electronic gadgets for gaming
Thus, play areas within an apartment limit provide spacious environments for children to play and socialize. If the research is to be believed then shifting to an apartment should be your next goal if you child education and health is your concern.
Benefits of Living in Gated Communities
Every parent wants to ensure that their children live in a safe place and have ample opportunities to develop and grow. The harsh reality is, however, finding a conducive environment to foster individual growth while living in a single unit dwelling is hard, unless you are lucky. It will eventually prevent your children from realising their full potential.
A better alternative would be to move into an apartment in a gated community, which is certainly not as tough. This is important for the wholesome growth of your children both physically and emotionally.
As we have previously underscored, parents residing in gated communities ensure that their kids grow with kids of nearly the same age. Furthermore, these communities provide safe places for children to play under reinforced safety measures allowing children to enjoy and develop without any worries. Some of the essential features a gated community offers are:
- To ensure that the children enjoy peace of mind while playing or any other form of activity, high grade security systems including CCTV, intercom and fully customised security detail are employed.
- Ample social interactions and fun times are guaranteed thanks to availability of outdoor playing grounds, children’s clubs, and indoor play areas plus a variety of gaming equipment.
Are you interested in ensuring that your child enjoys such a lifestyle? If so, the best option for you would be to relocate to an apartment that is situated within a gated society.
Additional Security Measures for the Children
Gated housing societies are generally equipped with round-the-clock CCTV cameras and other surveillance systems. There are also security personnel stationed at the gate and patrolling inside the society to keep watch on children so that they do not venture out.
They have well-planned driveways and strict driving rules to ensure no accidents happen to the kids playing on the community roads. The same goes with outdoor spaces and amenities like rooftops, passageways, and others which are lighted, safe, and easily accessible at all hours.
All children’s recreation areas also have optimum safety and security measures in place to ensure that no child is injured. Even if some unfortunate incidents do happen, they ensure that the injured children are administered first-aid as soon as it is possible. You cannot get these features if you live in an individual home. Therefore, apartments should be your first choice if you want your kids to live in safer surroundings.
Common Events That Aid Children’s Mental Development
Moving to an apartment means moving into a society where there is a memorable atmosphere as people are known to each other and celebrate numerous festivals. Be it, Christmas, Diwali, Children’s Day or any other, the gated communities without a doubt schedule various events from time to time that bring the adults and children together for interaction.
These events can help in broadening your kids’ perspectives, help them in gaining knowledge of numerous things, and expose them socially to people of varying ages which are very important in this case. Usually, these advantages are not possible when the children are brought up in a single dwelling unit. It is more than enough justification to relocate to a new apartment for the sake of assisting your children to develop healthily.
An apartment is great because it is like being part of a family with a lot of independence and not much inclusivity. While they are part of the community, your family also has a lot of privacy. More importantly, it allows your children to develop in a healthy manner, both psychologically and physically. As you can see, the positives of living in an apartment are unlimited. Hence, evaluate your choices today for the sake of your children and find your place of choice!
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