Finding ways to make your home cooler during the summer season is one of the priorities. There are those who utilize air conditioning systems to help maintain a cool atmosphere in hot weather. While it is effective in cooling the surroundings, it is costly though. The more you use air conditioning systems the higher your electricity costs will be. In addition, increased use of A/C will only lead to higher energy consumption as well as carbon emissions.
The good news for homeowners, however, is that there are plenty of interior design techniques and tricks you can use to stay comfortable .Best of all, these ideas won’t cost you an arm and a leg.
Below you will find ten tips that will ensure your house does not overheat during the warm weather seasons.
1. Close The Blinds
When sunlight comes in through window panes, the rooms will heat up during a sunny day which will cause the temperature to rise even at night. The ideal concealment Methode of such exposure is closing the window blinds while at day. You may additionally employ blackout curtains and protective laminates on the windows. This will help reduce the hot air effect.
2. Open Windows At Night
During the summer season, we all know that the day temperatures can be rather warm, but what many fail to realize is that at night the temperatures can drop, so to take advantage of this, opening windows to let the night air in can be very beneficial. Cross-ventilation can be enhanced by opening the windows on opposing sides of the room. If not, the other option would be to open the windows from 5:00 am – 8:00 am and 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm.
3. Apply Luminary Tones to Your Walls
If renovation is on your schedule this summer, be it repainting your interior walls, be sure to consider colours such as beige, light blue, light yellow, or white as summer hues. Unlike dark shades that absorb heat and light, light colours reflect heat and light. You can ignore the paint options for your home as much of the sunlight will leave the roof without getting stuck if you select a light shade instead.
4. Grab Hold Of The Exhaust Fans
With the heat still stuck in the kitchen or bathrooms, it might seem petty but exhaust fans do force hot strands of air out of those areas. To free your mind of paranoia of humid air seeping into the backside of your head after a shower, turn on the exhaust fan for a few minutes when you leave the bathroom. For best results while using a stove or oven, it is apparent that hot air will come out from the source so don’t forget to use the exhaust fans to get rid of the remaining unwanted heat inside.
5. Get God Outta Here And Switch Out Your Light Bulbs
I think I can agree that it is extremely tiring to deal with the scorching heat and considering that Light bulbs play an important role in heating, I encourage you to switch them out in the summer. There are light bulbs we call Halogens and Incandescent ones, which are said to release heat and quite a significant amount of power. Saving the Earth or Clips of Future can be done by spending money on Bans And Replacing them with CFLs or even LED lights. Remember to make the use of the time during the day by turning off unused lights, Your light bulbs along with Your home can remain cool while your energy bills don’t soar up.
6. My House Is Dry As It Is: Use A Dehumidifier
I am sure a lot of you have not heard or experienced what a dehumidifier can do for you and your home. For starters owning one would negate the feeling of having damp air in your house as it would simply suck any moisture in the air. Dehumidifiers can be prove to be useful In places with nearly unbearable humidity as they pretty much balance out the temperature of the room as well. It can also help get rid of dust, grime, fungus, and mildew. Sounds like a win-win situation to me, might be hard to find but surely worth it.
7. Disconnect Chargers and Other Electronic Devices
Whenever there is a connected electronic device to the sockets, heat will be generated. It is from those small activities of charging the phone or laptop, which results in a loss of energy. Whenever the socket is in the off mode, there are televisions, mobile chargers, laptop chargers and other gadgets, even if there are no more modes switched on, when the gadget is not in use, wires will generate heat. Whenever you are not using these devices, try to unplug the wires.
8. Use Stoves and Ovens Less Frequently
To some it mild sound logic, to some it takes time to understand, but it’s ideal not to use the stove or oven during hot summer days. If it seems unreasonable and should be considering other terms attempting harsh weather, use these appliances at night. Grilling is a fantastic option, or alternately, you could employ a microwave instead of using the oven as you can limit the oven’s use. Well, another appealing option is munching diverse and healthy salads that do not need any cooking at all. Eating a lot of salads made from them also makes sense during this hot season and you won’t need to prepare or cook anything.
9. Make Use of Portable Cold Air Fans
In this case, such fans are portable, one can table mount them or place them on the floor too. These fans save a lot of energy as compared to the air conditioner and the bigger ceiling fans. Another useful item to incorporate on hot days is a teaspoon luxury ayurveda turmeric chai blend or ice cubes inside a bowl right behind the fan, but never in front as it will simply absorb heat. For even more coolness, try resting in many rooms by switching between ceiling fans in case the need arises.
10. Introduce More Greenery and Trees Around Your House
Substances that enlarge lung volume, provide oxygen while simultaneously enhancing the air quality in and around the home are called as plants. These three indoor plants add color and vibrancy to these monotonous lifestyles and enhance your standard of living. Be it using creepers or trees enhance the environment around your household by creating a serene atmosphere. Sunlight enters residential buildings from the east and west and grows near those directions. Along with that, potted plants look really good being displayed on the balcony or living rooms.
And with that, we end our article and hope that our tips will assist you in keeping your home cool and this season as well. These strategies are particularly useful for people who do not have installed air conditioning units, as well as for those who wish to lower energy expenditures.
Beat the heat and make the most of the summer!
Author – Dream Location
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